
Rob Jonas
(250) 383-8917 *OR* (250) 216-4094

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rob's DRYWALL plus–Spring Cleaning

Rob's DRYWALL plus

Things looking a little dirty or tired in your yard.  Need a quick spruce up with some pressure washing?

A quick way to spruce things up and kick off the spring cleaning!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Leaky Roof????

Oh, it’s so wet outside and there seems to be more rain on the way.  Have you found yourself with a leaky roof?  Do you need repairs, inside or out?

Give me a call and we’ll see what we can do.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Get Ready for Spring Cleaning

Now that spring is approaching and the weather is improving, it is time to spruce up the things outside your home.

Wash your windows

Clean out your gutters.

Sweep out your carport or garage and give it a thorough overhaul.

Scrub your patio furniture

Prepare your garden for spring and summer delights.

If you need a hand with any of these, give me a call.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sunshine, Glorious Sunshine!!!!!

As the days get warmer and longer, it's time to start thinking about those projects that need completing.  I know I have a few.
  • Clean up the garden
  • Replace some weather-stripping
  • Some fence patching
  • Some lawn work
What's on YOUR list????